bring the shooters down
Murray Schane Murray Schane

bring the shooters down

In 1999 a mass shooting occurred in a Columbine Colorado high school. Key features of that shooting have become emblematic and inspirational, much like the complex iconic symbols of the Nazis. Columbine became enshrined by these features: the killing instrument an AR-15; the target: children in a public school; a prior announcement of intent on social media; a militia-style clothing in black; age of shooter: 17-18; the shooting as a last stand with shooter’s death or suicide.

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The Passover Lesson That Can Save us All
Uncategorized Murray Schane Uncategorized Murray Schane

The Passover Lesson That Can Save us All

The central tenet of the Jewish holiday, Passover, is the celebration of God's deliverance of the Jewsfrom slavery. But that deliverance came because the Jews were warned to paint their doors with the blood of a sacrificial lamb so that God's wrath would spare the Jews of the slaughter of their first-born sons. That was the final plague Moses proclaimed against the Egyptians. The pharaoh's refusal to free the Jews when faced with this tenth, terrible plague forced God's hand.

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