Murray schane, m.D.
I grew up in Detroit, Michigan and studied English literature and writing there and at the University of Chicago and then attended Stanford Medical School in California. After completing residency training in psychiatry and a fellowship in social psychiatry at Einstein College of Medicine in New York, I divided my career between private practice and community psychiatry where, as a faculty member of Columbia University, I worked as a clinician and a teacher, supervisor, and director of psychiatric residency training..
Currently, in addition to my practice, teaching and writing, I am President of MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization, the leading advocacy organization which maintains a website, a very active support forum and monitored chat room, a therapist referral site, and offers webinars on male survivor topics.
I am also on the faculty of the International Masterson Institute, a post-graduate training program for certification in the research and treatment of personality disorders.
I have given workshops at annual meetings of the American Psychiatric Association and presented at conferences in the USA, Turkey, Greece, Canada, France, and the UK.
Here I have collected my writings in fiction (adult and children) and non-fiction (biography and psychology of crime), and my blog on current social issues such as gender, abuse, politics, human behavior, technology, etc.